Interested in Spraying?
Spraytanning has come a long way since it began in the 1970s. Our VersaSpa Spraytan is the latest in sunless tanning technology, offering fast and lasting color. It features a relaxing open environment. No more enclosing booths. A powerful ventilation system keeps the air fresh and breathable. No more holding your breath. The Voice Guide will lead you through the session. No more figuring out what the beep meant. Its advanced airbrushing nozzles guarantee you even color all over in just a few minutes. No more streaking due to being over-drenched in solution, or blotchiness from toweling off unevenly. The VersaSpa uses the precise amount of solution to give you the natural bronze color you want. No hassles, no fuss. It's quick, easy, and fun.
The VersaSpa solution is as advanced as the booth. Unlike some salons, you are guaranteed we use the solution VersaSpa developed for use in its booth to give you that perfect bronze tan. The solution is made up of a temporary bronzer, spray tanning solution, and Aloe Vera moisturizer. All the active ingredients in the VersaSpa solution have been FDA–approved for use in spray tanning for more than three decades. The bronzer is a temporary water–soluble cosmetic dye designed to produce an instant effect. The bronzer remains on the skin until it is washed off in a shower or bath. It may rub off on clothing or bedding, but will wash out in the laundry. The Erythrulose and DHA (dihydroxyacetone) spray tanning solution quickly beings coloring the amino acids in the skin after application. Darkening to the perfect bronze tan, around five times the temporary bronzer, in twelve to twenty-four hours. The tan will begin to fade within four to five days. To maintain an optimal tan an individual should tan every four to five days. The Aloe Vera moisturizer naturally softens and smooth skin as it denudes old cells and hastens the proliferation of new ones.
How can you best prepare the skin for a spraytan?
Take care of any shaving, waxing, manicures, or pedicures ahead of time. Also, exfoliate all over and try to eliminate any dry patches. To get and maintain even color you want to treat you skin as evenly as possible.
What to wear?
We recommend wearing something loose and dark. Nothing too nice. The temporary bronzer may rub off on clothing or bedding, but will wash out in the laundry. Tight clothing may cause distortions to form during development. Feel free to wear a suit during your session if you want lines, or not, it's up to you.
How can you protect your eyes and nose?
We have a variety of accessories like nose-plugs, disposable bikini, footwear, and goggles for sale.
What to expect exiting the spray booth.
Will you notice the temporary bronzer on your skin. This may appear as tiny spots of color until it has a chance to spread out across the skin. We recommend waiting till you get home, around 15 to 20 minutes, to evaluate the evenness of your spraytan; at this time the solution should have had plenty of chance to even out and have a little chance to start darkening. If you notice any area developing unevenly - either darker or lighter - you can gently rub a small amount of daily moisturizer to help even out the color.
How will your tan develop?
The spraytan solution will quickly begin to darken and continue for twelve to twenty-four hours. For most, you simply wake up in the morning and shower and you'll be tan. For some, if you are in a hurry, we realize life happens, feel free to shower earlier if you must, but just understand that the longer the spraytan solution has to work uninterrupted the fuller your results will be. Also, remember, your skin is as individual as yourself: Good results depend on good preparation.
How long will it last?
Any spraytan is going to last up to a week due to your skin's natural exfoliation. A spraytan colors the outermost layer of your skin and will fade gradually as your skin constantly replenishes itself. Various activities; showering, swimming, heavy running or exercising, will increase the rate your skin exfoliates and hasten fading.
Help maintain your color?
We recommend using a good daily moisturizer once or twice daily to keep your skin hydrated and healthy. Remember to limit exfoliation and shaving; these activities remove skin cells and your spraytan. Try to treat your skin as evenly as possible to maintain an even color.
This is the most important thing you can do to get great results! Many first timers are nervous. We understand. However, relax and follow the directions. You just have to make four turns and you're done in most cases. Remember, if things go wrong; you can always go home and shower right away. This will greatly reduce any developing time and minimize the results. So, there is no reason to not have fun and get tan.
Want to take your spraytan up to the next level?
Try a Golden VersaSpa Cocktail. Relax for up to ten minutes in one of our Gold Sunbeds. This will heat your skin up, increasing moisture and opening pours, so it will absorb the spray solution more easily giving you deeper and longer lasting color.
Watch the Instructional Demo
That first spraytan can be a bit daunting. After all, unlike tanning in a sunbed, spray tanning require you to move. However, it is surprisingly easy, just four simple turns is all it takes to do the bronzer. Watch the demonstration video and see how easy it is.